Aging Disgracefully

On getting older and not being particularly happy about it. A pitiful attempt to pass on to the next generation pearls of wisdom on getting older, the humor of aging, fitness, recreation, friends, family and pets. How to survive changing technology, mental and phyiscal deterioration and hair loss.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Is it semi or bi?

I had my semi annual or bi annual trip to the doctor Monday. I can never get that straight. I go every six months or there abouts. This past trip was particularly important as it was the last chance for Dr. Mike to get me out of SCUBA classes. No such luck. I am not exactly fit as a fiddle, but maybe as fit as a fiddle that weighs as much as Nebraska.
Anyway, my cholesterol is great, which shows you what better living through chemistry can do these days. I take a Vytorin the size of a basketball so I should be pretty good in the cholesterol department. Blood pressure is under control as well. Everyday my breakfast is cholesterol and blood pressure meds over easy. I guess I'm paying the piper for my past life as a pork chop tester for Hormel.
The one thing that I didn't have done this trip, thank God, is the old prostate exam. We all know the horror stories so I won't go into that. However, my sphincter just tightened up like it had a lemon inside, just thinking about it. Since I have that done in December, I guess it is Dr. Mike's xmas present for me. I'd prefer a tie.
I'm not sure why the medical profession is so concerned about that one area of my body all of a sudden, but I also found out I'm overdue for my 5,000 mile colonoscopy. Oh joy.
Let's get that subject, er, behind us (Ugh).
I think in my last post I mentioned what a sucker for animals I am. Well, I think it has become all out psychosis. My dog, that I used to like, evidently found a rabbit nest somewhere in our backyard and decided to bring a baby rabbit home as her own little pet. Mind you, I'm not sure whether she thought she should eat it or play with it, but fortunately (I guess it depends on your point of view) she just kind of played with it. I thought sure it was dead when I went out to pick it up with my trusty shovel and hoe, but to my surprise it was still alive. It isn't at all well, but it was alive. I figured it would be a goner by morning and I could pitch it.
No such luck, it was curled up in a ball about the size of a golf ball in the lawn, and still kicking. So I called a rescue person I found on the internet and she gave me the grim news about its chances for survival, and said many times blue jays and crows pick up baby rabbits and carry them from the nests. Sons a bitches!
So now I am trying to nurse a rabbit about a week or two old back to health so I can set it loose in the woods where it will probably get eaten by a damn coyote, bear or alligator. Why me, oh Lord. Those of you that know me know that I handle disappointment about as well as George Bush handles the government. So I will keep you informed on the status of Bugs Bunny and my mental health in general. If this keeps up I will have to add Valium to my breakfast cereal. By the way, I think I get this condition of being a sucker for animals from my kids. It is, I believe, genetic?


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